Monday, August 24, 2015

Using Your IPad More Efficiently For Better Results

Oprah called the iPad a great modern invention. If you are new to using an iPad, it can feel very overwhelming to know where you can start. The following paragraphs have lots of ideas and information that can enable you to make the most of an iPad.

Using your iPad to watch films, play music and play games can significantly shorten the life of the battery. One way to make you battery last longer is to adjust your screen"s brightness. Most likely it is not necessary to use the highest intensity setting to get the most from your iPad.

Be aware of any apps that constantly run on your device. Lots of iPad applications can work in the background as you complete other tasks. To check what is running on the iPad, just double click the Home button. The apps you have running are going to show up near the screen"s bottom. Swipe downwards to remove the bar from sight when you"re finished.

If you do not have much time, do not use your iPhone"s charger to charge your iPad. The iPad has a totally different wattage than the iPhone (10 watts compared to 5 watts). It will take much longer to fully charge your iPad if you use the iPhone"s charger. You would be better off using the one that came with the iPad.

People often make mistakes when typing on tablets, which leads to interesting typos in the resulting messages. The iPad actually has a speech recognition function. Push your Home button two times and just tap on the tiny microphone you see. When you"re done speaking, tap the Microphone again to turn your dictation into text.

The iPad doesn"t come with a paper manual so it will need to be downloaded if you want to read it. Apple is all about minimalism and they would rather you download one than to include one with all of their products.

Armed with this great iPad information, you are prepared to have a good experience. Follow these sound tricks and tips for iPad to have the best experience ever. Make sure that you find out as much as you can so that your investment in this fantastic device is worth it!

For more information about the Apple iPad, check out this reputable resource: Wikipedia


Using Your IPad More Efficiently For Better Results

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